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·Nature's gift:Sanya  ·Watery region Shaoxing: well-known historical and cultural city  ·Old photos: postcards, Dalian  ·Fuzhou: the capital of Fujian Province  ·Three Gorges of the Yangtze River  ·Xinjiang style: Akon Performance  ·CPC stationed station: Yan'an Yangjialing, Shaanxi Province  ·Honghai Beach Of Panjin  ·Seychelles: dreamlike and beautiful tropical paradise  ·The mysterious restricted lives: Lop Nur (Luobupo area), Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region  ·Fiji Islands scenery  ·Taiwanese customs: during the Songkran Dragon Boat Festival at Sea  ·Shenzhen city construction  ·Ambilight strange world: Genghuang Old Town Qiliangdong, Hunan Province  ·Tajik Wedding  
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